Your success stories attract clients & revenue

Showcasing the transformations you've achieved for past clients is the quickest way to build trust with new clients & make more money from every ad dollar you already spend.

Get 10-50% more ROI from your existing marketing & ads

You've already got a marketing machine that attracts new clients. So why change it? DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!

Keep your existing marketing team
Keep your existing website, SEO, Google/Facebook ads
Keep your existing print & outdoor ads
So what's the secret? One word - TRUST

Buyers only buy after they believe you're their solution. So building trust converts more lookers into buyers for every ad dollar you spend. Want to know the quickest way?

Use past client's words & emotions to build trust, connection & revenue

"New patients & referral partners trust me before we even meet & my reviews doubled!"

– Dr. Paul Gray, MD FACS

Specialist Surgeon

Ft. Worth TX

Why Stories Work Best

Here's a few benefits of our story-first approach clients prefer over other types of marketing they've tried.

Scroll & click around the site
Build Trust Before You Even Meet

Buyers don't buy until they believe. Reading how you've helped clients just like them solidifies their belief that you're right for them too. They'll feel like they know you before you even meet!

Grab Attention Faster Than Videos

People have short attention spans! Pages of captivating headlines instantly grab & convince while long testimonial videos get skipped. Plus, most videos are too polished to look authentic and believable vs. our stories using their actual words.

Transformation Stories Beat Basic Reviews

People believe people like themselves. Putting a real face with a real life-changing story builds authenticity & creates the "ultimate review on steroids". Leave the one-liner reviews for the local pizza place – you're in the transformation business & deserve better!

Create Authentic Connections With Real People

Great businesses don't just fix problems, they help people. Sharing real stories from yourself, team & clients builds authentic personal connections. New clients are only one story away from feeling your care & concern.

How We Work

Your success stories build reputation & trust. We collect, craft & share a steady stream of your best stories on your own Story Site website.


We interview your best clients

We record a guided interview with your best clients to discover the 3 stages of transformation: life before, during your process & how they are better off after


We craft their transformation stories

Then we craft their words into a compelling story that shows what you know & builds trust with prospects who see that you've helped others just like them.


We publish them on your Story Site website

Your stories live on your own Story Site website. Already got a website you love? Easily feature your stories at 

Legend Project + Story System

Legend Project is our done-for-you interview based story authoring service for businesses who want to share their success stories to attract new clients & referral partners—but don’t have the time, desire or expertise to do it themselves.

Story System is our ongoing story-first marketing service that shares your stories so you keep getting results month after month.

Business Branding Package

We match the graphic design of your existing site including logos, fonts, colors, graphics & more.

Story Session Interviews

We record a guided conversation with your best clients to discover the transformation you achieved for them. We'll also help you turn your expertise into your own trust-building stories.

Business Story Site Website

We share your stories online in categories like client success, latest tips, from the expert & more. Search engine optimized so you look great on Google.

Professional Business Card Book

Turn your expertise & successes into a personal business card book carefully crafted to impress. Give to prospects, clients, partners & more. Order more copies anytime.

Share your success stories to build trust

wall of love

Storytelling is better together


“The success stories they got from my past patients solve my biggest challenge – creating trust with my next patients."

Dr. Paul Gray, MD FACS

Specialist Surgeon, Ft. Worth TX


“I'm speechless! My expectations were high but I never imagined my own stories could look this amazing.”

Joseph Barker

Developer, Nashville TN


“I've been wanting to write my book for years. But that's where it always ended. Until now!"

Judy Liff

Chairwoman & Philanthropist, Nashville TN

"Every other marketing attempt left me dissatisfied but working with Legend Media feels refreshingly different. They listen and pursue what’s best for my particular practice. Their emphasis on building relationship through story solves the biggest challenge for doctors – creating trust with patients. I love that I have a sustainable, ongoing plan that I trust. My patients love reading their stories, I doubled my online reviews and people can actually find my website when they search for it!"

Dr. Paul Gray, MD FACS

Specialist Surgeon, Ft. Worth TX

Scroll & click around the site


Success Stories Build Trust With Patients & Partners

Specialist surgeon Dr. Gray wanted to build relationships with referring doctors who could send him a steady stream of his ideal patients.

We helped him identify his ideal patient type, most profitable service & build his reputation as "Fort Worth's hernia specialist" among his medical peers to boost referrals so he can work less, make more and have more time off.

During our Story Session interviews we collected his personal and patient success stories. Those stories showcase his expertise & warm bedside manner.

His reviews doubled & he really likes that his new patients & referral partners feel like they already know him

Patient success stories put new referral partners at ease
Patients trust him before they even meet him
Reviews doubled within 24 hours

You're only one story away

Calculate your ROI

How much revenue does a new client bring in? How few new clients will it take until your investment starts paying you back forever?

Reinvest some of your digital ad/radio/tv/billboard budget in your own success stories!

It pays for itself - Get more $ back from every marketing & ad $ you'll ever spend. 

Legend Project

10 Stories We Craft + Website


Then $179/mo service plan

Payment options available

Story Session Interviews
Story Site Website
Up To 10 Stories We Craft
Graphic Design Package
Website Maintenance, Security & More
Add More Stories Anytime
Add Business Card Book Anytime
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Does not include ongoing marketing services

Story System

Ongoing story-first marketing


Up to 2 stories per month

Payment options available

Legend Project plus:
Up to 2 stories per month
Ongoing Story-First Marketing

Need more stories? No problem! Ask for a custom quote.

Do it yourself for a fraction of the investment with the Story System Blueprint

Where can I see some examples?

Explore the following Story Sites and read the stories we've crafted.

Remember that everything about your project is custom designed to your preferences and you get final approval. After all, it's your story!

How long does the Legend Project process take?

If you work at our speed, we are comfortable promising a completely finished and published Story Site within 4 weeks. But you can go slower, if you need to. Books take an additional 2-4 weeks.

Who designs the site & book? Do I get to give feedback on that?

Of course! Your site and book will be designed by world class designers, but you have full creative control to make any changes and can be as involved as you want to be.

You are getting the very best in design, because having great graphics is a key to establishing yourself as credible and professional.

Before we start the design process, you’ll have a long conversation with the Creative Director to understand your vision for the graphics (if you have any). We organize this information into a design brief and use it to create a series of initial designs, which you will review and give feedback on. Just like all parts of our process, you will have full, 100% approval.

magnetic marketing audit

Are you wasting marketing money?

Ever lose sleep wondering if you're overpaying for outsourced marketing? Introducing the Magnetic Marketing Audit - send us your website link & marketing invoices & we'll give an unbiased second opinion for a small flat fee

I'll get you more than your money's worth

How? I know what you don't...

HI! I'm Daniel, founder of Legend Media. All we do is story-first marketing, not "general marketing", so I'll give you unbiased advice to maximize sales & minimize expenses on outsourced marketing. Why? I hate hearing your horror stories about getting overpromised and underdelivered!


Let's share your story together

We start with a "getting to know you" phone call to go over details and make sure we're a good fit for each other. Find a time that works for you.

Want to write it yourself? Get Story Starters free ⤵︎

With ♥︎ from Music city usa

Get in touch

Write your own stories in only minutes a week

Want to write your own stories yourself? Banish the blank page forever & do it the easy way with Story Starters! Get our free weekly email featuring curated questions that prompt the best stories about your life or business. Get started free →

Other Legend Media Services

Story Starters

Want to write your own stories yourself? Banish the blank page forever & do it the easy way with Story Starters! Get our free weekly email featuring curated questions that prompt the best stories about your life, family or business. 

Start Free

Satisfaction Guarantee


Family members write their stories one month at a time with our inspiring prompts, then share them via email, on a private family website & collected in a beautiful book.

From $9/mo

Annual Membership

Satisfaction Guarantee

Story System Blueprint

Everything we do for our premium clients in a guided step by step online course. Start sharing your stories in under an hour for 1/10th the investment.

From $497

Lifetime Access

Satisfaction Guarantee

Legend Project

The easiest way to tell your stories & impress online & on the page. Write your book in hours not years. Includes Story Site website + 10 crafted stories & more.

From $12,000

Then $179/month

Satisfaction Guarantee

© Legend Group | Finely crafted by Legend Media ★